Dr. Livingston's Bestselling Weight Loss Program Is Now Available Online
Fat Loss Factor is a weight loss program developed by Dr. Charles Livingston, a certified nutritionist and
chiropractor. It is now available online combining a eBook, videos and detailed workout plans.
The first phase of the program is cleansing. According to Dr. Livingston, if liver fails to break down cholesterol, fat begins to accumulate and causes obesity. Therefore, the number one priority is to cleanse the liver restoring its ability to filter toxic substances, and breaking the vicious fat accumulation cycle.
Once the cleansing is complete, the program proceeds to the second stage, which is weight loss proper. This is accomplished by a diet comrised of special foods with fat burning properties and an exercise program consisting of cardio workouts and strength training. Dr. Charles prefers shorter cardio workouts as they are more beneficial for weight loss that multi-hour marathons.
An advantage of Fat Loss Factor is its highly customizable nature. Dr. Livingston provides different exercise routines for men and women and also different workout plans for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. In addition, there are mini-workouts for those who can't find time for the full workouts.
"Flexibility is very important when choosing a weight loss program", says Tim Brody, a reviewer at TBReviews, "A rigid diet plan or exercise program is useless if you can't follow it exactly to the letter, which for most people isn't possible. Fat Loss Factor is advantageous in this regard. For example, if you realize that you don't have time for a full 40-minute workout, this doesn't mean you mark the day as failed in your exercise plan - simply perform the alternative 15-minute mini-workout instead"
Fat Loss Factor focuses on organic food in both cleansing and fat burning stage, which is a mixed blessing. On one hand, organic foods are obviously healthier and better suited for a weight loss diet. On the other hand, they are more expensive.
Finally, Dr. Livingston's program pays a lot of attention to maintenance of low stress levels and emotional support because according to him, mental well being is absolutely necessary for achieving weight loss goals.
"There are no magic diet pill", says Tim Brody, "Effort is necessary but a well-thought out scientifically based weight loss program such as Fat Loss Factor is a leverage that can significantly decrease the amount of effort required greatly increasing your chances of success."
Click here for the official Fat Loss Factor website
simply CLICK HERE to purchase The Fat Loss Factor