
Saturday, 5 January 2013

How To Get a Green Card to USA

Green Cards - 11 ways to get one!

green card, officially known as known as "United States Lawful Permanent Residency," authorizes an individual to live and work in the United States permanently. Individuals seeking a green card through employment can apply from their home country once they are assigned an immigrant visa number, which is organized based on the following preferences:
  • First Preference: Individuals with special abilities, distinguished academics, professors, and researchers, and international executives
  • Second Preference: Professionals with an advanced degree or workers with exceptional talent
  • Third Preference: Skilled workers and professionals
  • Fourth Preference: Individuals under special circumstances, and certain religious workers
  • Fifth Preference: Immigrant investors, who must invest between $500,000-$1,000,000 in a venture that creates at least ten new jobs for U.S. citizens or other lawful permanent residents and immigrants.
How to Get a Green Card
There are four basic employment-related ways to obtain a green card, including:
  • Green Card through a job offer: An which an individual can apply for a green card after receiving a formal offer to work in the United States.
  • Green Card through investment: An individual establishes a business venture that creates new jobs in the U.S.
  • Green Card through self-petition: Distinguished individuals with exceptional abilities, or specific individuals who are granted a National Interest Waiver, can file a green card for themselves.
  • Special Category Green Card: This category include workers in the established special immigrant categories, such as broadcasters, international employees, and religious workers, for example.
Green Card Lottery Program
The annual green card lottery program (Diversity Immigrant Visa Program) is an opportunity for potential immigrants to obtain the status as a permanent legal resident of the USA. This program runs each year and provides 55,000 "Green Cards" to applicants randomly selected in a lottery process - known as the Green Card Lottery.
Green Card Application Process
Although the application process differs based on the method in which one seeks to obtain a green card, generally an I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, must be submitted.
Once the petition is approved individuals can apply for a green card through Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status.

The United States offers several ways to become a Permanent Resident (Green Card holder). A Green Card allows you to live and work permanently in the U.S.
Below is a list of the various ways that you may qualify for a Green Card. Choose the appropriate category and click Start Now to learn more.
                                                              Start Now

1.  Family Based Immigration

a.  Relatives of U.S. Citizens

        •   Spouse 
        •   Unmarried child (under the age of 21) 
        •   Unmarried stepchild (under the age of 21)
        •   Adopted child (under the age of 18) or        •   Parent or stepparent
        •   Unmarried son or daughter (over the age of 21) 

        •   Married son or daughter (any age) 

        •   Brother or Sister

b.  Relatives of Green Card holders

        •   Spouse 
        •   Unmarried child (under the age of 21) 
        •   Unmarried stepchild (under the age of 21)
        •   Adopted child (under the age of 18) or        •   Unmarried son or daughter (over the age of 21) 

2.  Employment Based Immigration

a.Employment First Preference

        •  Persons with extraordinary ability 
        •  Outstanding professors and researchers        •  Managers and executives in multinational companies

b.Employment Second Preference

        •  Professionals with advanced degrees        •  Persons with exceptional ability        •  Exceptional professors and researchers

c.Employment Second Preference with National
Interest Waiver (NIW)

        •  Persons with exceptional ability involved in activities that will substantially benefit the U.S.
national interest
        •  Advanced degree professionals involved in activities that will substantially benefit the U.S. national interest

d.Employment Third Preference

        •  Professionals with a U.S. bachelor's or foreign equivalent degree
        •  Skilled workers
        •  Unskilled workers

e.Schedule A

        •  Registered nurses and physical therapists
        •  Persons qualified to work in one of the shortage occupations on the Schedule A list

3.  Green Card Lottery

          •  Winners of the Green Card Lottery conducted by the U.S. Department of State.

4.  Investors

        a.  Foreign entrepreneurs who invest $500,000 in a commercial enterprise in a targeted employment area that will benefit the U.S. economy and create at least
5 full-time U.S. jobs.
        b. Foreign entrepreneurs who invest $1,000,000 in a commercial enterprise that will benefit the U.S. economy and create at least 10 full-time U.S. jobs.

5.  Adoption

          •  Children under sixteen years of age adopted by U.S. citizens or green card holders.

6.  Registry

          •  Foreign Nationals who have resided continuously in the U.S. since January 1, 1972.

7.  Private Bill

          •  Foreign nationals that Congress (House of Representatives or Senate) believes have compelling humanitarian factors to stay permanently in the U.S. and for whom the USCIS cannot grant permanent resident status.

8.  Diplomats

          •  High-level diplomats on A-1 visa who are unable or unwilling to return to their home country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution.

9.  Asylum

          •  Foreign nationals in the U.S. who are unable or unwilling to return to their home country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, or membership in a particular social or political group.

10.  Refugee

          •  Foreign nationals displaced by war, famine, and civil and political unrest or, unable or unwilling to return to their home country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution.
          •  Foreign nationals in their home country who have experienced persecution in the past or have a well-founded fear of persecution in the future.

11.  Special Immigrants

        a.  Religious Workers
        b.  Former employees of U.S. Government
        c.  Former employees of the Panama Canal Zone 

        d.  Former employees of U.S. Armed Forces
        e.  Retired employees of International Organizations
        f.   Former employees of the U.S. consulate in Hong Kong
        g.  Employees of International Broadcasting Companies
        h.  Special agricultural workers
        i.   Foreign medical graduates
Abused spouses and children of U.S. Citizens or Green
Card holders
Permanent Residents who departed the U.S. for more
than 12 months
Foreign children declared dependent in U.S.
juvenile courts

Customer Reviews

ESL students will need help to get through this. Jean Marrapodi  |  8 reviewers made a similar statement
Keeping with tradition, this NOLO book is clear, concise, precise and extremely practical advice about navigating the complex immigration process. J. Cipriani  |  3 reviewers made a similar statement
PS: Please share this simple blog with your friends!


Friday, 4 January 2013

Carbon Copy Pro's latest Scam Exposed

Carbon Copy Pro's latest focus for it's members

Well as usual there are recent updates in the land of Carbon Copy Pro Scam... There recent focus and constant "NEW" sales pitch is that they have call center to assist you with your sales... Once again Jay Kubassek and the boys are focusing teh "WHY TO BUY" point onto a single point that really isn't that helpful to consumers... One would think that PROPER MARKETING education would be a WHOLE Package of reasons to purchase a home based business opportunity.

But then again when you build a home business solution around the SMALLEST market share I've ever seen then I guess you have to pull out all the "stops" to convince someone to get caught up in such a goofy scam.. The absurdity of marketing a package of Wealth management, Assets protection and corporate strategies services to a market of home based business seekers is absolutely hilarious... These people you've targeted are trying to figure out how to DEVELOP and GENERATE WEALTH - NOT PROTECT IT... Which also happens to be about 90% of the population. Only 10% hold the wealth and need those types of services.. And that's such an "ELITEST" Group that they usually stay within there own "GROUPS" rather than go to someone unfamiliar.

And because the product is not usually sold in the open RETAIL or CONSUMER market is the reason ONCE AGAIN I have to keep the Carbon Copy Pro marketing system and solution to a home based business in the SCAM category.

Read this report about the Carbon Copy Pro boys and there shenanigans...

Click on Carbon Copy Pro

friday, JANUARY 4, 2013

Carbon Copy Marketing - Scam or Legit?

After a twenty or so calls from average joe's searching for the best home based business asking my opinion on the Carbon Copy Marketing system with Jay Kubassek I finaly started doing some research on this seemingly hot new "buzz" in the home business industry.

Seems like every where I turn I hear something about Carbon Copy Marketing and it's success story Jay Kubassek. Well here is a brief over view of what I uncovered form my quick research.

First and foremost I found a VERY DETAILED website that gives an over view of the entire Carbon Copy Marketing system when I ran a search on Google. I'm placing the link to this website I discovered at the bottom of my little two cents here. But if you're in a hurry to learn the details about Carbon Copy then you can click this line.

Now, from what I uncovered I found that the system is charging people $50.00 to get this very basic information that is described on teh website I mentioned above. Basically the company or "product" they're promoting is called Wealth Masters International and has from what I've learned on the WMI website three levels at which to join but Carbon Copy Marketing primarily focuses on pushing or promoting the $8,995.00 level - Yes, thats right! The initial buy in they're wanting you to get involved with is $8,995 for JUST THE PROGRAM! THAT'S IT!

After you've forked over a huge amount of money for this "wealth management" mentoring and education CD package they suggest you have and additional $5,000.00 for a marketing budget. I was floored personally, to think that someone wanting to start a business is going to shell out $13,995 to get started. I mean how many potential members do they think they can attract? The pool of potential investors has to be pretty small when you think about the average "per-capita" income in the USA house holds. Again the statistical data for this business is provided on the very detailed site I ran across in my Google search for Carbon Copy Marketing and Jay Kubassek.

I would urge anyone looking into getting involved in Carbon Copy Marketing with Jay Kubassek to take a few minutes and review this wesbite located at teh following link:

I also ran across another fairly good review on discussing the Carbon Copy system It wasn't as detailed as the website above that I discovered but it was yet another interesting take on the entire system form a very experienced and familiar online marketing guru. This was from a personal perspective form teh creator of The Wealth Funnel System Home Based Business.

Again, it wasn't as detailed as the site above but it was a pretty good take and it made some interesting points as well.

I hope this has given you some better insight into what the Carbon Copy Marketing System is all about. Do your research and begin speaking with people that don't "HIDE BEHIND A WEBSITE" to find the best opportunity to suite your needs and goals best.

And always remember this: The value is in the value is in the education and training. If you are truly instructed how to market properly online then you'll be successful at what ever product, program, r service you wish to promote.

Thursday, 3 January 2013


Have you ever asked yourself “Which USA Visa is Best for Me?”
There are so many types of visas and so many options for coming to the United States that your head may be reeling. There are literally dozens of potential visas, plus over a dozen different ways to get a green card. Choosing which USA Visa to apply for is the most important step you will take; if you choose the wrong one, you may be denied! There are several different factors that will help you determine which visa is best for you, and it can often be very confusing deciding which visa is right for you.
This USA Visa Guide will help you decide!
Written by an experienced Immigration Lawyer and packed with helpful advice on every visa category, this detailed USA Visa Guide will help you decide which of the many USA Visa is perfect for you! This guide answers common questions about different visa categories, and is perfect if any of the following apply to you: 
  • If you want to visit the USA only for vacations and tourism
  • If you want to work in the USA, either short term/temporary, or for many years
  • If you want to attend University or College in the USA
  • If you already have family in the USA and want to live there permanently
  • If you have a spouse or fiance in the USA
  • Much, much more!
The reasons why you wish to come to the United States can greatly affect which visa is best for you. Are you coming for business, because of family, or for some other reason? If you are coming to the US for business, then you will want one of the many business visa options. There are also many options for family visas, including different visas for spouses and fiances, parents, children, and siblings. There are also different choices for student visas, depending on which type of college, university, or training school you wish to attend. There are many USA Visa options to choose from, but this guide will help you understand the differences between all of the different categories and help you to make those difficult, but important, decisions! 
USA Visa Guide Contents
Inside this detailed ebook, you will find information on many different types of visas for the USA, including: 

Nonimmigrant Visas

Nonimmigrant visas are temporary and may include various temporary work, study and holiday visas, all of which offer the opportunity to stay in the US for a few years.
The essential thing to know about nonimmigrant visas is that they are reserved specifically for those who don’t intend to try to immigrate or remain in the US. Most of these visas require applicants to prove that they will stay in the country only temporarily — for example, by maintaining a permanent residence in their home country.
Visa types that fall into the nonimmigrant visa category include the B-1 visa for individuals wanting to temporarily enter the US for business purposes, the B-2 visa for those wishing to come to the US for tourism, pleasure or medical treatment, the M and F visas for students wishing to study at a US academic institution and the J visa for those wishing to do an educational exchange in the US.

Immigrant Visas

Immigrant visas are for those who wish to legally immigrate to the United States, meaning they want to live and work in the country permanently. The requirements for immigrant visas are generally the most stringent — and will require the greatest amount of time and paperwork.
There are various routes to permanent residency (a green card) in the US. These visas most often require sponsorship, either by an immediate family member (like aspouse or fiancĂ©(e), parent, brother or sister) or by an employer.
An exception to the sponsorship requirement is offered by the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, which provides visas to residents of countries with low rates of immigration to the US without requiring a sponsor. Special immigrant visas are also available for certain religious workers and adopted children, among others.

Dual-Intent Visas

Dual-intent visas are interesting because though they are technically not an immigrant visa, they waive the major requirement of nonimmigrant visas: proving you do not plan to remain in the US.
Dual intent basically means that the visa holder does intend to immigrate at some point in the future, although he or she currently wishes to maintain nonimmigrant status in the US.
Visa types that fall into the dual-intent visa category include the H-1B visa for specialty occupations, such as academics or physicians, and the L-1 visa, which is designated for intra-company transfers. Note that the L-1 visa is specifically designated for employees who are in an executive, managerial or otherwise specialized role in the company. Dual intent also extends to H-4 and L-2 dependents of H-1 and L-1 visa holders.
This USA Visa Guide is written by an experienced Immigration Lawyer. It contains the latest and most up-to-date visa categories, descriptions, and instructions. Usually information like this from a U.S. Immigration Attorney would cost you THOUSANDS of DOLLARS!
AND, if that’s not enough, each purchase comes with FREE consultation with an experienced U.S. immigration attorney!* Most U.S. attorneys charge $150-$300 for a consultation; with this Visa guide, a consultation is FREE with every purchase! You can use this time to talk about your personal situation, ask questions about which visa is best for you, and receive huge amounts of extremely priceless information, designed to help you get your USA Visa as easily as possible!
Act Now, and this USA Visa Guide can be yours today for only $17! That’s right! For this low price, you will receive this 22 page guide with everything you need to decide which USA Visa is perfect for you and fulfill your dreams of coming to the United States today!
Look at what some of our past clients are saying!

“Just wanted to say thank you for your USA Visa Guide. Thanks to this guide, I figured out the best visa for me to come and work in the United States as a doctor. I am so happy with my decision and I’m glad I had your guide to point me in the right direction. All the best!”
Vijay P.

“I’m finally living in the United States with my fiance! I wanted to thank you guys for showing me which visa was perfect for me to come and live with my future husband. We are happier than ever and we both wanted to say thank you so much! ”
Alexandra V.

“I can’t believe it; I never though I would be able to study in the U.S., but I’m now going to school at UCLA! I have been trying for years to get my visa to study in the United States, and I finally have it! Thank you SO much. Your visa guide really showed me which student visa I needed to get. Thanks again!!”
Sofia H.

Get Your Schengen Visa Guide Here


Don’t get your Schengen visa refused – Download the Schengen Visa Application Guide and increase your chances of having your visa granted first time and avoid expensive holiday re-booking fees

Ryan Smethurst

Ryan Smethurst – November 2012
Dear Friend and Schengen visa applicant
You have found this site because you want to find out some aspect of obtaining a Schengen visa. Obtaining a Schengen visa can be a nightmare at the best of times – you need to obtain a ton of forms for your application and jump through hoops for the embassy but there is always a nagging feeling that the embassy has not informed you of ALL the requirements. Yes, believe me they deliberately leave things out and if they have outsourced their visa application processing to some another company then good luck to you as these quys won’t be able to answer any questions that you may have.
Back in 2010 I had my travel plans ground to a halt after my Schengen visa was denied and I don’t want this to happen to you so I have developed this guide to help you obtain the Schengen visa the first time you apply.
Fantastic guide. I recently downloaded before I went to Spain and found the guide comprehensive. I honestly believe I would have been refused a Schengen visa if I didn’t follow the advice in this guide.
Gary, South African
I wish the embassies will provide this information on their websites. Money well spent considering we would have lost hundreds of pounds if our Schengen visa was refused.
Mina, Egypt
My Schengen visa application nightmare:
My fiancĂ© and I spent weeks planning a holiday to Spain, we spend hours on the  itinerary, researching accommodation, logistics and so on.
We applied for a Schengen visa via VFS Global, the company the Spanish Consulate (one of many) has outsourced its visa application process to. We completed our visa application form and gathered the required documents and paid the non-refundable visa application fee of £75.
Booking our flights and accommodation to Spain was a pre-requisite before applying for a Schengen visa. A week before our departure we went to collect our passports only to find out that our visas had both been refused. Time constraints meant we were unable to reapply and the money spent on the visa application fee and flights (over £350) was money wasted.
Fortunately we were able to cancel our accommodation without incurring further costs. At no point could anyone at the visa processing centre tell us why our application had been refused. After some research and many phone calls later we found out that we had insufficient funds in our accounts at the time of the application. (You need at least £50 in your account per day that you intend to stay in the Schengen country). This information wasn’t displayed anywhere on the Spanish Consulate website or the visa application centre’s website.
It was then that I decided that enough is enough. Schengen countries make one jump through many hoops before granting entry, when face it, many counties (like Spain, Greece, Portugal etc) could do with boosting tourism. It’s not asking too much for applicants to be provided a comprehensive list of requirements on their websites? That’s when I teamed up with the Schengen Visa Organization and worked with them to put together the most comprehensive up-to-date Schengen Visa Application guide available on the internet today.
Schengen Visa Application Guide

Thousands of Schengen visa applications are refused each year

Thousands of Schengen visa applications are refused each year simply because the application form is completed incorrectly, not enough financial evidence is provided or incorrect documents are provided with the application.
Don’t waste money applying for a Schengen visa before you know all the requirements.
Step by step application guide
Schengen Visas Org has put together a Schengen Visa Application Guide which is a step-by-step guide to help you obtain your own Schengen visa without the need for an expensive travel agent or Schengen visa specialist. Put together by Schengen visa experts the e-book will guide you through the entire Schengen Visa application process from start to finish.
Here is what is included in the Schengen visa application guide
What is a Schengen Visa?
List of the 26 Schengen Countries
General Schengen Visa requirements
How to Apply for a Schengen Visa
When to Apply for a Schengen Visa
Where to Apply for a Schengen Visa
Documents required for a tourist Schengen Visa
Documents required for a business Schengen Visa
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Airports requiring transit visas from certain nationalities
Latest Schengen Visa Application Forms (for each country)
Template employer’s letter, Template college/university letter / Template letter from accountant  
Some snippets of content:
Do I need a Schengen Visa?
Nationals from the following countries do not usually require a Schengen visa: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Macao, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Romania, San Marino, Singapore, Uruguay, USA and Venezuela.
Where to apply for a Schengen Visa?
A Schengen visa is applied for at the local Embassy, Consulate or Visa Application Centre of the Schengen country which you will be spending the most nights on your trip to the Schengen area. If you are only visiting one country on your trip then you apply for your visa at the local Embassy, Consulate or Visa Application centre of this Schengen country. If you are spending an equal amount of time between several Schengen countries then you should apply at the local Embassy, Consulate or Visa Application Centre of the country that will be your first port of entry.
How long does it take to get a Schengen visa?
It really depends on the Consulate. Some take a week, others take 15 working days. It’s important to take this into account when planning your holiday. It is also important to remember that you may only get an appointment to apply for the visa in 3 weeks time so this should be taken into consideration before booking your holiday.
I am travelling by Eurostar or car to Europe, any special requirements?
Yes, Eurostar ticket must be original and nonflexible and non-refundable. If travelling by motor vehicle you will need to provide driver’s license, log book, MOT certificate, insurance for the vehicle with return ferry tickets with your full name and car details.
Do I need Travel insurance?
You will need travel insurance when you apply for a Schengen visa. The travel insurance should include medical evacuation / repatriation coverage of at least EURO 30,000. The insurance company must have a representative office in Europe and the insurance must be valid for duration of stay in the Schengen states.
Schengen Visa Guide
 This is the most complete guide you’ll read about applying for a Schengen visa. There are a number of other Schengen visa guides on the market that are more expensive and offer little value. The Schengen Visa Application Guide is the only guide to be endorsed by Schengen Visas Organisation.

Only £32.00

NOW ONLY £19.99

The Schengen Visa Application Guide will be emailed to you and will be available in your email inbox in approximately 15 minutes from time of purchase. (Please check your spam folder)