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What Does an Online Background Check Consist Of?
In today's technologically advanced society, the Internet opens a wide array of opportunities for individuals to take advantage of. From doing basic things such as shopping online to more advanced instances of performing online research, the Internet offers us things which were never available in the past. One such thing which we can accomplish via the World Wide Web is to perform background checks on individuals. Some may wonder what these checks consist of, and the following will detail what a background check will accomplish.
What Is a Background Check?
In basic terms, a background check is finding a collection of information on a particular individual. This information is collected from publicly available information and is done within the constraint of the law. Background checks will uncover various facets of information on an individual such as their legal name, address, workplace and so much more. The depth of the background check will depend on the company that you use to perform such a check and the amount of information you want to gather on an individual.
Gathers Necessary Information for a Wide Array of Purposes
First and foremost, a background check is a way to gather information for a wide array of purposes. Background checks provide important pieces of information on others such as their legal name, address of residence, business address, occupation and so much more. Each background check company will perform checks based on their own criteria; therefore you should determine that the company will provide you with all that you need before obtaining a background check on an individual from that company. However, most companies will offer reports which consist of a variety of pieces of information which makes the background check complete and inclusive overall.
What Are Criminal Records and what do they reveal?
An online background check is an easy way to find out if someone has a criminal record. However, not all crimes are alike. Here are some of the definitions of the types of criminal records:
Misdemeanors. These crimes include shoplifting, harassing phone calls, traffic offenses and in most states, DUI. Most misdemeanors will not result in major jail time unless the offender has a prior criminal record. In some states, misdemeanors are not part of a person's criminal record.
Felonies. This is a very broad category that includes everything from murder to felony drug possession. If you are conducting an online background check and all you see is "felony arrest," you need to dig deeper. There is a big difference between crimes rape and theft or drug possession and aggravated assault.
Traffic Violations. In some jurisdictions, minor traffic violations such as speeding, failure to yield or running a red light are not listed on a person's criminal record. If the traffic violation resulted in a wreck or death, most states will include them.
Sex Offender listings. In the late 90s, most states established a sex offender registry. The FBI also has a national sex offender registry. These registries list the person's name, current address, the crime and their picture. If a person is listed on the registry, this will be revealed in an online background check.
Parole and Probation violations. While these violations may seem similar, they are very different. If a person has served time in prison, he or she is released on parole with conditions. If that person violates those conditions, he or she is sent back to prison. Probation is a sentence in lieu of local jail time or prison. The person must also adhere to certain restrictions or be sent to prison.
Arrest Records are available for only some states. The record will show the offense type, offense description, disposition date, conviction date, fine amounts, possible photos, arrest jurisdiction and other information.
Conviction Record is defined as information indicating that a person has been convicted of any felony, misdemeanor or other offense, has been judged delinquent, has been less than honorably discharged, or has been placed on probation, fined, imprisoned or paroled by any law enforcement or military authority.
Inmate Records are derived from U.S. Federal and State prisons. Reports can include information on an individual's probation and parole and give active or inactive status within a state facility. The report will also show the offense description, time served, sex, age, release date, location and more.
Sex Offender Search
A sex offender search can be conducted through an outside agency or on the Internet when a person is considering moving to a new neighborhood or simply wants to find out if any sex offenders live in their current neighborhood. A sex offender search can also serve as one more piece of the puzzle when conducting a background investigation.
Based on Megan’s Law, convicted sex offenders must register with the government entity where they are living or planning to live so as to notify the citizens of that neighborhood that a convicted sex offender will be living alongside them.
Searching for a sex offender is as easy as ‘click and point’ on the Internet. The nationwide registry of sex offenders includes information on where the offenders live, what charges are levied against them and when the incident took place. The registry also gives tips to parents about keeping their children safe, admonishing parents to be aware of who lives in their neighborhood, check backgrounds on child babysitters, coaches, teachers, camp counselors and even neighbors and to generally be more aware of their surroundings, especially when the child want to play outdoors, a common activity that often leads to child kidnappings.
A convicted sex offender is someone that has been charged with sexual assault, sexual abuse, child sexual abuse, having pornographic material of people under 18 years old (child pornography), rape, statutory rape and even some non-sexual crimes such as kidnapping. Megan’s Law requires convicted sex offenders to register with the local police entity and then Megan’s Law will notify the residents of that area that there is a sex offender in the area.
Searching for a sex offender in your neighborhood helps parents understand their surroundings and decide whether to move to that area, or move out as the case may be. Sex offender searches also help potential employers understand the criminal history of a potential employee. A person’s sexual crimes will appear when a background check is conducted on the individual, as in most
Find Someone You Are Looking for with the Help of Online People Searches
Searching for someone from the past can be a daunting task, but with today’s technology and information available at your fingertips via the Internet, conducting a people search just got easier. A people search is conducted for the purpose of finding a loved one from the past with whom you have lost contact, and for children, once of legal age, to find their birth mother or father. People searches often yield excellent results, but results may come back with information that can’t be used by the search party or the most recent information is no longer relevant to the missing person. The ‘hit or miss’ results are the risk of performing a people search online
These methods are just one of several methods that people searches can use to locate people. A company that provides a people search service can come up with a whole variety of types of information regarding the person that you are looking for. This could include their current address, their previous address, their phone number, aliases, age, date of birth, unlisted phone numbers, relatives and more. Some people searches can even reveal email addresses and business information if applicable. Search over 1 billion records using our database and receive info on up to 90% of US residents.
Reasons for Utilizing a Reverse Phone Number Search
Phone numbers come in many different forms such as those attached to home phones, business phones and cell phones. No matter what type of phone number is involved, there may come a time when a phone number search is needed. This type of phone number lookup helps individuals find out various pieces of information about a person and is quite useful.
Find the Name of a Person
When performing a reverse phone search or reverse cell phone search, one of the basic yet most useful pieces of information which can be uncovered is the name of the individual whom the telephone number belongs to. This can be useful to the searcher in cases of receiving a call where the phone number simply shows up as "missed call" but with no name attached to the number itself. When this appears on your caller ID, you may not know if the phone call is important as it is from someone you know or less important, such as in the case of a telemarketing call. By using a phone number lookup you can locate the name of the person who called and then decide if you want to call them back or not.
Find the Address of a Person
By performing a search using one's phone number you may also uncover another pertinent piece of information such as their address
Stop those Unwanted or Prank Calls
Our reverse phone number search will help you to identify those prank callers or telemarketers who keep harassing you. Search over 280,000,000 phone numbers with a click of a button.
Accessing Property Records now is as simple as a click on your mouse
Have you ever had trouble accessing property records? Now you can access them in a convenient and hassle - free manner. Now by just a click of your mouse you can get all the information you want on public property records. Suppose you are looking to purchase new property, and you’re not aware of the legal wrangles that are associated with it. You could directly ask the seller, but in many cases you may not get a straight answer. And because it is your necessity, it is you who have to tap the right source. For this, all you need to do is to check public records. As a citizen of the United States of America, one does not have the right to access these public property records without government authorization. Now with the advent of the information technology, you can indeed access these public property records using the internet database. In the past if you wanted information on these issues, you had to wait in the line, scoot to various offices where these records were located. Now by paying only a nominal fee to public records Directory Company, you can get abundant information on property records. There is also wide range of companies on the internet, so you can browse through them until you get the best deal. Most of these databases have information that include much more than property records and also include birth records, criminal records, court records and marriage records.
WHY INTELLIGATOR.COM? provides you with a plethora of services with unlimited searches on public property records, inmate searches and people searches. However, people may doubt the accuracy of such results. Unlike in the past when email addresses were submitted to the specific email directories, nowadays there is no need to display them on the directories since our site will provide you with all the search tabs you need from where you can put your search keywords and once you hit the ‘search’ button, you get all the information you want. Or else you can also give the email address and get information about it. Through World Wide Web, we try to accomplish the task of finding information about the emails, the registered owner’s name and even you can conduct a background check of the individual. Hence, if you’re looking for an easy access to property records online, you can get instant access from the comfort of your home. All you have to do is click on our website at Moreover you can also conduct reverse email search, and find the owner’s name, address, email address IP, email address validation, owner photo and much more information.
INTELIGATOR.COM – Your one stop guide to all your queries on Public Records. All you need to do is put your search keywords and hit the ‘search’ button.
In most cases, court records are open to the public for viewing. Court records fall under the Public Records Act of the United States and can be accessed by almost anyone wishing to view them. Simply walk into your local or state courthouse, ask the person at the information desk what department holds the records you are seeking, and that department can explain how to access the records. Often, records are stored on microfilm, so you’ll probably sit at a computer station to access the records. In some cases, the records may still exist in written form for your browsing pleasure.
As a side note, if you are planning to go to the courthouse to browse public records, don’t forget to dress appropriately. In today’s world, if you are dressed for success, you will be more likely to be treated more seriously. If you are dressed for the ballgame, you may not be so successful.
Obtaining court records is actually quite easy. If you know the exact case file you are looking for, make sure you write down all of the information about it before you arrive at the courthouse. A name or social security number is good. A case file number works even better. This allows you more time to peruse the documents and less time searching for them. Always ask the person at the information desk these questions:
How are the court records and files stored for public access?
How much does it cost to copy the records?
Where are the juvenile records?
Where are the criminal records and traffic records computers?
Where are the civil record computers?
Access Millions of Marriage and Divorce Records with
There may be other related questions whose answers you may want to find out however you are not sure about where to get access to them without hassles. Its here that we can step in and help you out with a easy to navigate, cost effective and time saving marriage and divorce record search database - cost effective and time saving. You don’t need to waste your time and go hunting for those vital records anymore. can now help you conveniently access them from the privacy and comforts of your home with ease! offers you an easy to navigate online database that contains extensive details on both Marriage and Divorce Records. The database contains accurate and authentic public records of the State that can be legally searched and referred to for the purpose of background checks on a prospective marriage partner, genealogy research and tracking down family history. Search on Marriage Records provides you with significant information on the names of the bride and the bridegroom, their respective addresses, information on their parents, the marriage date, names of the witnesses to the marriage, the location of the marriage, the name of the officiate of the marriage etc.
Children who were separated from their parents in the past can also search for the records of their biological parents from these marriage records. These marriage records have also been of immense benefit to those who need to prove the legitimacy of children from a past marriage. Access to Divorce Records can assist you to verify whether your prospective partner is legally divorced and it provides information on the date of the annulment of marriage, the details of the divorce decree and certificate, the place where the divorce proceedings were conducted etc. uses a resource base that is authentic and can be trusted for obtaining instant marriage and divorce record information within minutes.
Access to gives you both comprehensive State and County Marriage and Divorce Record Information from a single platform. Both Marriage and Divorce Records in the country are under State jurisdiction and they are maintained by State Authorities. With the aid of our trusted and reliable site one no longer needs to search for these State and County Records individually. The efforts involved in finding these records are painstaking and very time consuming. Our site’s State search option provides you with the better free of cost alternative of sitting at home and accessing these marriage and divorce records in comfort. It also gives you the additional benefit of viewing and downloading copies of marriage, divorce and other related court documents for the purpose of reference and research. In short, one just needs to log in and begin the relevant search and get the desired results without any kind of hassles.
So why waste time and money conducting Marriage and Divorce Record Searches when you have the smarter choice of at Home!
Unlimited birth records with
Vital records are those which are kept under any Govt. authority and are relevant enough to provide any information about one’s birth. If you are doubtful and skeptical about anyone or else you want to know your own birth background, these online birth records are really helpful. These birth records provide you the information which have been filed or recorded by the state, federal or any other Government body. You will also be able to get the record of the individuals and about contact information. These records are generally created by the central and federal governments which can be accessed through online listings and physical files. Birth records are important as much as the birth certificates. If some one wants to check the authenticity of the birth certificates, then the person will definitely check upon the birth records.
Not only in employment sectors, but the birth records are also important when you opt for registering in a new school. If your child is opting for a new school, then it is necessary to have an accurate birth certificate because the school authority may cross check the certificate with the birth records. All information on the court records you are accessing must be accurate and there shouldn’t be a single faults or a misinterpretation of the data. So when you need to check out the birth records accurately, nothing could be as helpful as our site With unlimited criminal searches, unlimited inmate searches, background searches and people searches, provides you with an accurate database of the people and with their birth origin.
More technology, more accurate online birth record searches
With today’s technology, the internet has opened up with wide range of opportunities where you can be more advantageous in dealing with more important information. Internet offers us with never available in the past things which helps in the World Wide Web to find out the birth records in a fraction of seconds.
In the birth records can be accessed by the data base available or else you can also go for hiring an investigator and they can help you to search for the public records amongst million of records. For the birth records you can search the database of our site and millions of the birth records and you can access in an at home atmosphere.
Search over 1 billion records
On this site, you can search for anyone with updated technology and grab all the information you want about a person (it can be the information about your long lost friend or your late parents or guardians etc). Through our site, you can search over 1billion records available in our database.
Trace Spammers on Your Email with Reverse Email Search
When your mail box gets cluttered with junks of spam mails, seldom you are aware of the senders of the mails! What precautionary steps would you take to stop these invading mails which are spamming your inbox? Sure there’s a way…conducting the reverse email search let you trace out the origin of these spam mails and allow you to stop their unwanted invasion. Nowadays, technological advancements in the internet have opened up wide array of services for individuals. From shopping to dating, everything is possible on the net and with these advantages a few ‘smart internet savvies’ are using technology as cash cows and that too in an illegitimate manner. Would you allow them to continue with their indiscriminate exploitation of innocent internet users? How do you feel when they intrude your personal account and spam it with junk mails? Well…no body in the world would allow ‘poachers’ on their private email accounts. Let’s raise our voice in unison and put the reverse email search in the best of its use and trace out those people who have been bullying with our privacy…let’s end their story here!
What reverse email search is all about?
Reverse email search can be conducted for the purpose of finding people and his/her details from the clue of an email id. The id is important when there are many sites which will help you to conduct searches through which all the details of the person will be in front of your eyes. It can be used for finding any information about any long lost friend or an ex-colleague and even it can help in tracing out spammers. With, you can access an instant database of millions for FREE. We conduct special searches for combating spammers on the web and provide email details of IP address, location and user name to the users so that he/she can take precautionary steps against them and can secure their email accounts from them. We always care to give the best of search results every time and you get accurate and authentic information every time when you want.
Providing the best of usability services provides you with volume of services with unlimited criminal searches, inmate searches and people searches. Moreover when you conduct reverse email search, you can find the owner name, the address, the email address IP, email address validation, owner photo and other important information. However, in some cases there can be a doubt about the accuracy of the results. Unlike earlier days when the email address were submitted to the email directories. Nowadays there is no need to put them on the directories since our site will provide you with all the search tabs where you can put your search keywords and once you hit the ‘search’ button, you get all the details you need. Else you can also give the email address and you get information about it. Through World Wide Web, we try to accomplish finding information about the emails, the registered owner’s name and even you can conduct a background check of the individual.
Services Unlimited
With reverse email search, provides you with every piece of genuine information like the legal name, the business address, occupation, residential address and so much more. Each reverse email checks are based on certain criteria and so you get all information accurate and thus making your reverse email search complete.
With reverse email search free your emails from spasm and junk mails and allow finding information you are seeking about a person.
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