
Thursday 27 December 2012

make money online: How To Make Money From GOOGLE???

make money online: How To Make Money From GOOGLE???: HOW TO MAKE MONEY FROM GOOGLE  If you have a website or a blog, you should definitely sign up for Google Adsense. It’s one of the fe...

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Social Media Manager and Consultant
            Contract type:  flexible (local or international)online job


My name's Khaled and I'm an experienced Social Media Manager/Consultant. My experience has generally been fashion and electronics  related, but I am looking to branch out to other areas. I build all social media accounts for my clients across all channels, not only that but i maintain it and keep it updated everyday with engaging their followers and fans with the topics my clients desire..

I have experience working across all social channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Blogger, Wordpress, Google,Search engine optimization etc) from a marketing perspective. I have built up brands social platforms from scratch, and also worked on more established brands.

My strongest points are my accurate and creative blog writing,niche 
and micro niche websites and the abilty to establish a brand Tone of Voice across social media. I am able to report concisely and accurately using popular metrics, and can also provide basic graphics if necessary. I am experienced in sourcing and creating content. I am looking for a long term business relations for a good and brighter future for my clients, your clients and my self..

Social Media accounts building and maintaining :

Per Day: £90
Per Hour: £14

SEO and Sourcing
Per Day: £100
Per Piece: Negotiable dependant on size, timeframe and research.

All prices are negotiable.
Drop me email or ring 00447445199595

Need Your Social Media Accounts Managed For you???

                            Social Media Manager and Consultant
            Contract type:  flexible (local or international)online jobs


My name's Khaled and I'm an experienced Social Media Manager/Consultant. My experience has generally been fashion and electronics  related, but I am looking to branch out to other areas. I build all social media accounts for my clients across all channels, not only that but i maintain it and keep it updated everyday with engaging their followers and fans with the topics my clients desire..

I have experience working across all social channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Blogger, Wordpress, Google,Search engine optimization etc) from a marketing perspective. I have built up brands social platforms from scratch, and also worked on more established brands.

My strongest points are my accurate and creative blog writing,niche 
and micro niche websites and the abilty to establish a brand Tone of Voice across social media. I am able to report concisely and accurately using popular metrics, and can also provide basic graphics if necessary. I am experienced in sourcing and creating content. I am looking for a long term business relations for a good and brighter future for my clients, your clients and my self..

Social Media accounts building and maintaining :

Per Day: £90
Per Hour: £14

SEO and Sourcing
Per Day: £100
Per Piece: Negotiable dependant on size, timeframe and research.

All prices are negotiable.
Drop me email or ring 00447445199595

Saturday 8 December 2012


Profitable Property
Tax Appeal Service

creating wealth without riskProfitable do it yourself business lets you stick it to the man times two! Not only will you get the limitless benefits of owning your own business, but you will be helping you clients SAVE BIG MONEY on their tax bill. This complete turnkey system will show you the way. Click the link to create your future. buynow2

Ultimate Tax
Reduction Guide

ultimate tax reduction guideHow To Slash Your Taxes Quickly, Easily And Legally.buynow2

Tax Questions Answered Online
Everyone has questions about their taxes…and WE’VE got the answers!
As the old saying goes, there are two things certain in this life: death and taxes. There isn’t much you can do when the grim reaper comes knocking but you can certainly take progressive steps towards slashing your taxes and ending up with a much healthier bank account come April 15th!
A profitable tax strategy means planning all year round. You need to know the limitations of your own potential deductions and assets. Are you investing in the right time of income generating accounts? For instance, investing in dividend paying stocks can slash your taxes right out of the gate. You’re only taxed 15% on these types of stocks. The same goes for long-term capital gains. If you haven’t invested in the market, then seek out a qualified broker to help guide you. They’ll take a small commission fee but it’s better getting into the market with someone who knows the game rather then simply cramming “Stocks for Dummies.”
Don’t take the easy way out with the 1040 form. Familiarize yourself with the deductions you can take for you and your family. You can deduct alimony payments or student loan interest, job related moving expenses and even medical insurance if you are self-employed. This doesn’t mean “cheating” on your taxes but claiming the dependents and deductions you’re entitled to. The tax deduction code is there for you to take advantage of and reduce your tax burden.
Another positive step you can take towards slashing your taxes is to reduce your income. This doesn’t mean quitting your job but investing in company sponsored retirement plans like 401K. By reducing your income you’ll be reducing your taxes and you won’t pay any taxes on these savings until you make a withdraw. It’s still your money; it’s just working harder for you!

Property Tax Appeals - Property Tax Reduction

property tax appealsEngage In A Property Tax Appeal? Lower Your Property Tax Once And It Continues For Years. Consumer Reports Report 40% Of The Population Is Over-assessed! Some Say Higher. Step-by-step Specifics, Percentages And Numbers To Use Maximize The Win!buynow2

Domain Tax Guide

buynow2Get the guide that was specifically developed for web domains. If you buy, manage, sell or maintain domains in the United States you MUST get this vital guide. Otherwise you may not have the information you NEED to keep the IRS happy and maintain your legal status. Click the link to learn more.

Tax Reduction Toolkit

FINALLY! Absolutely legal and totally fool proof strategies to reduce your taxes, postpone your taxes and possibly even avoid paying your taxes altogether! You will NOT believe what you learn from this incredible system. Get the secrets you need to KEEP your MONEY in your own pocket. Click the link to learn more. buynow2

make money online: Protecting Your IDENTITY

make money online: Protecting Your IDENTITY: Privacy War! It’s time you knew the truth...perhaps you THINK you know how you are being monitored. Maybe you THINK you understand h...

Protecting Your IDENTITY

Privacy War!

It’s time you knew the truth...perhaps you THINK you know how you are being monitored. Maybe you THINK you understand how your personal choices and finances are being watched. but do you really KNOW. It’s time you did. Click the link to get the truth! buynow2

Privacy Crisis

This is, without a doubt, the most valuable guide to ironclad privacy your will ever read. In it's priceless pages you will learn how to protect your identity, prevent identity theft before it happens, protect your banking transactions, gain permanent freedom from Internet stalkers and even maintain privacy in the workplace. Click here to get this ultimate guide. buynow2

Protecting Your Identity
you know who has your identity? Protect yourself now!
If you’ve ever had a dog who has tracked mud in the house you know what a messy trail that can become. Now consider the trail you leave behind every time you buy something off the internet or do business at an ATM or even throw out your garbage. Those are all ways that thieves can steal your identity. But this doesn’t mean you have to be a victim. For every innovative way someone comes up with to steal an identity, there is an equally and often stronger way to protect your identity.
You need to be smart about your identity trail. Consider buying a paper shredder to destroy any mail, old bills or other papers that might have important account numbers on them. Just because you don’t see someone going through your trash doesn’t mean that dumpster diving isn’t a source for identity thieves to get your information.
ATMs have become a great way for people to make deposits and get cash on their schedule. But they’re also a place where identity thieves can snatch your pin numbers. When you stop off at an ATM just be aware of your surroundings. Be on the look out for anyone peering over your shoulder and make sure you block your pin number when you enter it into the ATM.
Nowadays, we spend a lot of time on the internet for business and for fun but every time we log on, we’re leaving a trail that might be picked up by identity thieves. There are several steps you can take to prevent your identity from being stolen over the internet. Make sure you have a strong firewall and anti-virus protection on your computer. You can’t be sure of the safety of every site you’re going to visit. This is where malicious hackers could attach a virus that can allow them access to your information. Make purchases with reputable sites that have strong security on their marketplace. And consider updating your various passwords.
Don’t let down your guard. If you’re out on the web you will be leaving a trail. It’s up to you to make sure that trail is cleaned up!

One Click Privacy

Sure, you THINK you are secure. But are you SURE? It's an vital question. Is hoping you're secure good enough or would you like to KNOW you are safe. In this digital age privacy is fast becoming a thing of the past. Don't let this happen to you. Click the link to get secure. buynow2

Identity Theft Deterrent

Get the best protection without those annoying monthly payments. This is your quick and simple, step-by-step blueprint to unbeatable identity theft. Discover how easy it is to protect you and your family from the devastating impact of identity theft. Click here to learn more. buynow2

Identity Crawler Online Investigations

identity crawlerGet Anything On Anybody. When In Doubt, Check Him Out. These Are The Tools Used By Licensed Private Investigators.buynow2

make money online: Profitable Ebay Businesses

make money online: Profitable Ebay Businesses: eBay Inside Out Former Fortune 500 consultant teaches you, step by step, how he made over ONE MILLION dollars on eBay® in less than 9 ...